Nude-Muse - Artistic Nude Website and Gallery - Positive And Artistic Portrayal Of The Nude
Members Art Gallery 4
Wanted to see if it where possible to do a nude photo shoot on a city ferry without anyone knowing. Yep. Tavia nearly had a heart attack when the ferry approached a stop too quickly and she was still nude. |
A simple but powerful exhibit of the nude form with a plain white chair. A place to sit or a place to pose. Nude or clothed it is beautiful all round. Organic beauty or created beauty of organic origin. |
Fine art is the appreciation of beauty, culture and associated with purity of art. Linda is pure beauty with her natural lithe form. Her grace and movement is capable of stopping a heart from beating for a moment as the mind basks in such pristine splenor. |
A very 80's Eden appears in a very yellow mood. Yellow seems to match Eden's natural sunny disposition. |
Amy is a rare natural beauty who lives out in nature next to a National Park. Amy also enjoys the naturalness of being naked and the freedom it allows. |
Acrobatic Dee makes a come back in this breath taking nude performace of skill, agility and strength. Dee certainly can demonstrate how amazing the human body can be. |
Christina has been wrapped up all her life. Only one week after turning 18 she wanted to be unwrapped for her first ever nude photo shoot. Although Christina had not thought of being a model before, her look, charm and talent say otherwise. |
Happiness is a state of mind. However your body can be a source of anguish for most. Aryah is totally happy with her body and looks. Something that a lot of young women can learn from. |
Diamonds are described as beautiful, elegant, classy, timless, astonishing and very desireable. All these things describe Sparkle too. So it is only fitting that both are featured here. |
Playful Alysha knows how to live life to the fullest. Alysha loves extreme sports and climbs mountains in her spare time, when most of us are just happy to climb a set of stairs. |
If Penny is an angel then Kit is a little bit naughty. Kit wanted to play the temptress and this is her interpretation. |
Eden vamps it up in red as our weekly nude muse. Does being a vamp mean being sexy or being a vampire. When it comes to Eden, we are not sure. :) |
Ruby is a born entertainer with her wit, charm, and wicked sense of humor. This nude shoot hopefully captures that very essence of this remarkable woman. |
A close personal friend of mine is Hellen. This is a tribute to a beautiful woman and a great friend who has helped me in so many ways. She will soon be married sometime this year. Congratulations from all of us. |
Trinity is a woman of old and new. A 21st century muse travels back centuries to visit the renaissance in this tribute to an era of beautiful women with voluptuous figures |
Delightful Demi casts a net of intrigue in this fun photo shoot. |
Raquelle found a nice peaceful and quiet stretch of sand to relax and enjoy the afternoon swimming and sunbathing nude. |
Soft supple skin is the sign of youth and beauty. Even though Ella does not need lotion she like many women feel that they can always use some extra help. |
Agnezska is the picture of athleticism. As she should be, being the Polish national long jump champion. |
A photo captures an instant in someone’s life and makes that instant an eternity. In effect immortalising the subject. Take a look at Sue in several instances of time. |
The human form has so many curves and is so rounded that round tyres seem the only way to make a comparison visually. Patricia and tyres is a study of this round phenomenon. |
Women and flowers have feminine ideals have been interlinked for as long as humans walked upright. Flowers are the reproductive parts of a plant so is that why males use them to hopefully find a partner? And why are women so moved by a flower? |
The idea of femininity has links with fur and beauty. Maybe it stems back to 10000BC when the best thing a guy could get a girl was fur. For warmth. No real fur was used in the shoot. Only Fake fur. |
Its a Jungle out there and Jacinta is not afraid to be in the middle of it. |
A solitary figure waits by an empty train station. She looks lost. She is nude. Not just devoid of clothing but an open soul with nowhere left to hide. She must make a decision. To go forward or to stay and perish. |
Franki in a nude study with a difference. Here Franki is floating in a world of her own a void in time and space, but a void quickly filled by her unique beauty and interpretation. |
Inspired by anime and manga, Eden really shines as a cartoon heroine who really comes to life and takes action. |
If there was ever anyone who suited pink, that would have to be our very own ricki. Ricki has to be the most feminine, female I have ever met. Sometimes I think she was born in the wrong era. |
Wild seas, a storm, and a nude. The power of nature is mesmerizing. It isn't until you put a nude human into nature do you really see how we fit in with such majesty and raw energy. Enjoy the fresh beauty of lycaonia in a wild storm on the sea. |
The nude female form in contrast with something artificial hard and unyielding. However the nude female form is also very resilient and can triumph over anything. |
Ice queen is about untouchable pristine beauty. Fragile, fleeting, striking. However even cold hard beauty can thaw in the spring. |
I have always been attracted to mythology and stories about heroic deeds and adventure and incredible beauty. Ella just seems like a natural siren to me as she sits on a rock looking out to sea calling men to their doom. |
Human movement and the incredible things people can do with their bodies are amazing. Linda helps out with some classical nude figure study as she moves from one beautiful and graceful pose to the next. |
Elise goes hunting. Computer games such as tomb raider did more than just have a sexy female as the lead role in an adventure. It also showed that women are capable of doing anything. Elise let the hunt begin. |
Beauty and age are not often mentioned in the same sentence. Ebony dispels the myth that once a woman is over 40 she is too old to be beautiful. Well take a look and see how wrong those people are. |
Australia is a hot dry country. So a drought is not unusual here. Mary is an oasis of beauty in an otherwise barren land. |
This is he second part to sparkle's tribal shoot. |
Beautiful, curvaceous and vibrant Tammy redefines the term life model. Tammy becomes a true living sculpture of infinite beauty. |
Gallery Sizes 800 - 3000 |
Second part in our series with Liz and a red harley. |
Stunning US model liz poses with another US icon. A red Harley Davidson Motorbike. I ronically the motor bike belongs to a lady in her 40's. My aim was to do a motor bike shoot that was different, artistic and classy. |
Honey raises a dust storm in a cleaning frenzy. Honey does nude house cleaning as part of her business. |
Yolanda with sticks. Tall slim elegant and hearing impaired. It was a real joy working with Yolanda, who proves that anyone can do anything. |
Alesia. A Russian fashion model that exudes style and elegance. With red hair like this it was only natural to do a red themed shoot. |
New model Sarah poses in a classical setting on a stone bench. Being a modern, bubbly and uninhibited woman there is a small twist. see for your self. |
Maddy has a pure beauty and is purely nude. There is something very pure about the nude body. There is nothing hidden and no deceit. Pure nude. Pure perfection. |
Fabric and fire can both move in such (ironically) fluid motion. As does Charli. She mesmerizes and tantalizes as she weaves her magic through flame and heart. |
Ever since reading Red Sonja and Conan books I have been fascinated by red haired warrior women. When Anne turned up with her long red tresses and athletic body, I had to shoot Red Sonja |
Looking back into the past I discovered this old photo shoot i did with Natasha. I really enjoyed working with her. I wonder how she is........Should talk to her about doing more..... |
The nude form is beautiful for all its curves, lines and graceful flowing forms. Monique does pilates and without knowing it showa how amazing, feminine and stylish the nude female form can be. |
The third and final part for the Amber in colour series. More Amazing and beautiful photos of Amber coming in 2008. Amber will be fully nude ONLY herer at Nude-Muse the website. |
Laura returns wearing just a pair of shoes. Fashion is not just about clothes alone. Nor is artistic nudes about completely nude bodies. Continuing with the plus figure models, Laura also clearly shows that women don't need to be size 0 to be beautiful and stunning. All sizes are equally attractive. |
Grey area, shades of grey, grey matter, and all things grey. Usually used to describe something safe or average, Cerisa is neither of those. A woman of sparkle and everything but grey. |
Figure study has been a long tradition in the art world. It is an exersize in capturing the raw beauty of the nude form at it's most basic form. |