Nude-Muse - Artistic Nude Website and Gallery - Positive And Artistic Portrayal Of The Nude
Members Art Gallery 3
A fresh look at kylie as she freshens up from a long day. Bathing nudes has been a long time inspiration for artists and Kylie is no exception. |
Angela enjoys the freedom of being nude at the freedom wall. The freedom wall represents the soldiers who died to protect our land and our freedoms. It is only fair to show that we as a society can be this free. Free to express our art and ideas with out persecution. |
Lillian is very first torres straight island model. Australian is a land of rich culture, history and earthy tones of red and orange. This set of orange nudes is a tribute to the land of Oz. |
Natasha and a classic nude study in black and white. This is from her very first nude photo shoot. |
Maddy rocks. Yes she certainly does. Well actually it is Maddy posing with rocks. Nude human female body with its delightful curves and soft roundedness provide a real contrast to the hard angular rocks nearby. |
A sensitive person is Tia. These artistic nudes show a more sensitive side. What is femininity? A state of mind, body or spirit? Here I believe we have all three. |
Kat makes a debut at nude muse. Here we combine the soft human form with hard cold steel. The result is a beautiful blend of shapes and lines between the organic and inorganic. |
Eden attempts ballet as only she knows how. This interpretation of Swan Lake, may have the grace of a duck, but still retains the beauty of a swan. :) |
Going back in time to pre-history. Sparkle discovers her inner cavewoman and goes big game hunting and goes tribal on us. Did women help men on the hunt in the past? Some experts now believe it true. |
If you have never tried swimming nude, or if you don't know what it is like having the wind blowing over your bare skin, then Hellen and Raquelle say try it. Here they enjoy the pure joy of the sun and ocean free of any inhibitions, the way we where born. |
The power of meditation is over looked by most people as mumbo-jumbo tree hugging nonsense. Vanessa begs to differ. Here Vanessa gets a chance to meditate in beautiful natural environment and reap it’s many benefits. |
We have all felt cornered at one time in our lives, usually feeling helpless with no where left to turn. Other times we seek shelter and comfort in a corner knowing that we are safe. Kirsty goes through both emotions as she poses nude for the very first time. Thank you Kirsty for your fantastic efforts. |
Sparkles returns in part II of the shadow series. A series that combines the best of artistic nudes and high fashion. Our stunning and sparkling beauty, Sparkles, lights up the screen with an effervescent display of true class and poise. |
A final look at Vanessa and Belinda before the sun goes down and they head back home. Then it will be just a pleasant memory to fill those cold winter nights. |
We had Belinda soaking up the spring sun on a secluded bridge, this time her sister Vanessa joins her. Both sisters soak up the quiet atmosphere and the timeless ambiance of the place. Close your eyes for a moment, feel the warmth of the sun on your face, the slight breeze on your arms, the distant song of birds, and the sound of crickets in the shores of the little stream. Enjoy. |
A bright shining jewel and a wonderful human being is Ella. In one of her more thoughtful moods Ella relaxes after a long day of modeling. |
As summer fast approaches us in the land down under, Belinda takes a moment to relax in the spring sun on an old secluded bridge. |
Bright and Bubbly Elise join's Nude-Muse for her first ever nude appearance. Elise just cannot stop having fun, as she sets sail on a voyage of discovery. Nude-Muse was fortunate enough to discover what a great, funny, and happy person Elise turned out to be. |
Dee dances her way across the screen with amazing leaps and graceful moves that will amaze and move you by its sheer beauty and grace. A true performing artist and gymnast is Dee, with her debut performance at Nude-Muse. Put your hands together as Nude-Muse Present's Dee. |
Stylish, beautiful and natural read haired Cassie returns to Nude-Muse, for a fashion inspired photo shoot. Cassie is always delightful and can talk your ear off. But don't be fooled into thinking that there is no substance to this amazing woman. She is a Psychology major with same amazing insight into people. For now enjoy this latest set of Cassie. |
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Stunning vivacious beauty Sparkle plays amongst the shadows and dances with light. Beauty hidden and beauty seen, will you catch her in a beam. Out of darkness, out of light, only some will see this sprite. |
Tall fit and athletic describe Agneszka, as she was the Polish Long Jump Gold Medalist. Now she is an amazing model appearing for the first time on Nude-Muse. |
The last day of the Eden flood draws to an end, but hat does not mean the end of Eden. There will be more coming soon. Till the enjoy Wedding Part III. |
The Flood continues as Eden enter the second day of wedding dress mayhem. But wait there is still another day to go for eager Eden fans. Part II |
For all the fans of Eden get ready for a Flood. For the next three days you will get three updates of beautiful Eden. Please Enjoy Part I |
Is there a time limit to beauty? Do we suddenly become less beautiful once we turn a certain age? I say no. Donna at 46 years proves that age has no bearing on beauty. Who says only young is beautiful? Companies that are trying to sell you something. This is one Myth that has been totally busted! |
Amber in Blue. Our second part in a three part series. Cool and sophisticated are just some of Amber’s traits, so a cool blue shows her mysterious and deeper parts of her emotions. Get ready for some fantastic work by Amber. |
Sindy is emerging from her cocoon and is finally turning into the butterfly she was always meant to be. This is a big leap for Sindy as she explores the beauty of the nude through a veil as thin as a butterfly wing. |
The second part of Anne's photo shoot with a black bench concludes. Stay tuned for Anne's next visit. |
The very beautiful and charming Anne comes to Nude-Muse from the very frigid and cold city of Canberra. While she was thawing out in Sunny Brisbane this is what we did.....these photos. |
Delightful Mary combines beauty and grace. She is a marvel to look at with long flowing limbs and an ever present smile. |
Amanita and Tavia are both back for part II by the river. Is ther anything more beautiful than a nude by the water? Decide for yourself. |
Amanita and Tavia relish the warm sun and a clear mountain stream. Even though a car park was just 10m behind them they took the opportunity to enjoy a quick splash and cool down. |
Ladder of Success. Posing nude for the first time is lovely Carolyn. She climbed a major hurdle in her life and climbed on top of her fears. An inspiration to other young women that the body is not shameful, but something to be proud of. We applaud you. |
Christina Aguilera look a like Ricki makes her debut with Nude Muse. This week's muse Ricki shines in a light of her own. Artistic nude at it's best. |
Elegant Gemma makes an exclusive Nude-Muse debut. The simplicity of the nude combined with the sheer brilliant beauty of white and all the purity that it represents. Pure Gemma. Pure elegance. Pure style. |
Next to diamonds, roses are a girls best friend. What is more beustiful than a rose? Liz of course. Take a look at this stylish and sensual photographic essay. |
A Princess in red descends the stairs of her castle. She is alone and spies a quite warm sunny spot to relax. |
Playful Katy creates quite a stir with this cute and colourful display of agility and beauty. |
The very wonderful Cassie makes her Nude-Muse debut with a beautiful fine art nude photo study. |
The beauty of Angela in a classic nude study as she poses on a small foot bridge. Thie was shot in the Botanical Gardens in Brisbane Mt Cootha. |
Eden has been inspired by Ditta Von Tesse in this set of photos. I think you will agree that Eden could easily compete with Ditta in every way. Please enjoy. |
What happens when you combine fashion, beautiful nude and great scenery? You get Maddy in a black skirt. |
Kayann is back in white, snuggling in a fur nest (faux fur that is). |
Amber makes another exclusive appearence for Nude-Muse. This time nude. Strictly for members only. Amber feels that Nude-Muse is the only site on the internet with class and that portays women in a positive and beautiful way.
To see what no one else will ever see. Join Today |
Walking along the sugarcane trail, you detour in amongst the sugarcane. In the distance you see someone. As you get closer you notice a young woman enjoying the summer sun in amongst the sugarcane. She is nude. You are mesmerised. You cannot look away from such beauty that is reflected in a smile. A private smile. Belinda amongst the sugarcane. |
Without light there is only darkness. In darkness all beauty is lost. Is it not fitting that beauty should give birth to light? Jenn gives birth to light and beauty. |
We looked into our archives and found this black and white set of Eden. Hope you enjoy. This is a special tribute to SI who is Eden's number one fan! |
Peer into those deep mysterious eyes and you soon realise the depth of wisdom, but there is something more. Yes deep down a fire and passion stir, which begins to rise with volcanic speed. Janna moves from out of the darkness into the light seeking that which awoke such feelings. |
A feather. The lightest of touches can send a shiver along the body. The frilly softness of the feather glides over bare skin. It goes unimpeded over the nude body sending waves of pleasure up the spine. Goose bumps follow as the senses come alive. Laura moves her body closer to the source of pleasure. |
Smooth, soft brown skin, warm to the touch. Then there is movement from the couch as Kylie makes herself more comfortable. Her curvy petite body relaxes as she snuggles in the warm soft furs. Her big eyes look at you with expectation. The rest is up to you.... |
You peek through into a private world. You catch a glimpse of flesh; a soft feminine curve is burnt into your mind as quickly as it disappears from view. A young lady try’s on a dress, but much to your relief she does not like it and removes it with one graceful movement as it falls to the floor. That tantalizing glimpse you saw earlier is back. Josephine bends to the basket and selects something new. |
The beauty of spring is reflected in the heart and body of Malvina. Flowers, blue sky and a swing is all that is spring. Beauty that is eternal, a body that never grows old, a heart that never looses love and a smile that can never be forgotten. A swing, a nude woman, and everlasting memories. |
Her body glistens with perspiration as she struggles to the end. Finally it's done. She relaxes with pleasure as the endorphins kick in. Now she can relax. Her bosoms still rise and fall as she tries to regain her breath. Her toned body is the result of such hard work. Jamie exercises. |