Nude-Muse - Artistic Nude Website and Gallery - Positive And Artistic Portrayal Of The Nude
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Black and White might lack colour, but it does not lack emotion or feeling. Black and White takes away the temptation to judge by colour. Maddy displays why black and white is so beautiful. Feel the emotional connection that Maddy's eyes makes with you. See the beauty that runs deeper than skin. |
Ainslee is indeed the real deal. What you see is what you get. No artificial colours, flavours, or additives. Ainslee is real all the way through. She is also very down to earth, natural, and approachable. Don't let her looks fool you into thinking that there is no substance in her head. The fact that she is studying medicine should change most perceptions. |
The nude human form. The natural state with which we enter the world. Our form, our bodies, something we all have, yet a source of continual controversy, even though it has inspired artists for centuries and has been the inspiration for some of the greatest works of art. Kylie a true natural work of art in her own right makes her debut as a Nude-Muse. Be inspired by this natural nude study. |
Nothing can camouflage the beauty of the nude. Nor would we want to. Surhey (not really an army brat) does not camouflage her own nudity with morals imposed by those with little regard for art or beauty in its most flattering and natural state |
Romantic dreams and romantic desires pass by on lovely Shanetta's face as she lounges amongst the pillows. Dreaming of a lover whose embrace she is waiting for? Or just soaking in the attention and admiring looks of an invisible audience? A beautiful dream and the beauty of a nude reclined in repose await those that deserve. |
Nude and a chair. The soft warm body sits atop a cold hard chair. The contrast is delicious but the image inviting. The natural curves of the nude versus the hard symmetry of steel. What is Haley's mood as she sits and thinks? We can ponder further as to her desires. But we are only left with the image of her petite sun kissed body sitting on a cold hard chair. |
Kacy makes a long awaited appearence at Nude-Muse. This muse is a dancer so singing in the rain is not the only thing she can do. Do you need an Umbrella if you are nude? Maybe not, but it can't hurt. |
There is nothing mousey about lovely Gypt who has no issues about sharing her thoughts and opinions. However we thought she looks cute in a set of mouse ears. |
A golden age dawns for art. A statuesque beauty, nude as the day she was born, emerges into the golden radiance of the audience’s appreciation. A golden jewel is Vanessa and a striking golden figure she has. Enjoy this golden moment with our very own golden girl. |
A woman dressed impeccably as if she just stepped of the pages of Vogue. She undresses for an unknown viewer, leaving only her accessories. She grabs a gun. Where lays the true power. The gun or the beautiful woman holding it? Alesia is a woman of true power, strong independent; she knows what she wants and how to get it. |
The movement of the human body is mesmerizing, especially when the movement is by someone as skilled as Alexa. She twists, turns and wriggles her lithe body atop two red chairs. A performance for one, or many. It does not matter, as she is in a sensual world all her own. |
A mysterious woman appears in the archway of an old castle. She is wearing a red cape. No wait, she is nude under her red cape. She beckons for you to follow as she glides ahead of you. Do you follow? You hear the name Natasha whispered in the wind as you are drawn under a spell of that woman in a red cape. |
A woman of impeccable taste, style and class is our Amber. A stunning fashion model with legs that go on forever. This is her first shoot for Nude-muse. *Not fully nude in this shoot. |
A voodoo priestess? A daemon of Lust? Or a Temptress? Naked ambition burns in her eyes, viewing you with lust that extends from beyond the grave. An insatiable appetite, a carnal hunger that cannot be satiated. Eden as the Voodoo Priestess conjures up lustful thoughts from the dark side. |
A woman emerges out of the mists. A nude woman of exquisite beauty. A warrior woman whose sheen of sweat glistens in the dim light. The smell of her musk awakens the deep primordial urge within us. Our ancestors celebrated the female form. Today we celebrate Belle. |
Part 2 of Linda. |
Ever had a dream of a beautiful woman that you wished were real? Linda with creamy white porcelain skin. A delicate china doll emerges from your dreams into your reality. Save this beauty from what ever haunts her in her dreams before it is too late. |
Part two of our Maddy special reveals more of this stunning beauty. |
Sensual, elegant, mysterious is our Maddy. A woman of incredible beauty, with a smile that could lauch a thousand ships. This art vogue style suits Maddy brilliantly. Take a look why. If not a member join now to see what I am talking about. |
White creamy milk in contrast to Tavia's soft smooth skin. A girl from the farm who likes to undress and cool down with fresh cold milk. Whoever thought that milk could be this sexy? |
A cool winters morning as the sunrises over the city and greets Angela with its caressing warmth. Her body shivers for a moment then begins to soak the heat in from its gentle rays. Soon Angela is aglow with the light of a celestial furnace and she greets the sun and its warmth with open arms. What better way to start a day. |
The sugarcane fields are a large part of Queensland Australia. Large fields of cane and long lonely stretches of dirt road suddenly broken by the sight of Vanessa by the side of the road hitching a ride. That was the sight a sugar cane truck driver came across during our shoot. |
Eden dreams of Cleopatra or is it Cleopatra dreamt of Eden long ago? Cleopatra an extraordinary woman with beauty to drive men wild and command armies. Eden invites you into her world. Enjoy some time with her as she lounges as any Queen should and basks in the adoration of her followers. Eden the modern Cleopatra. |
Clothes are usually to cover up our nudity or to hide what we are told are flaws or told are offensive. Women are viewed as offensive in many countries. Women cannot legally be bare chested in many parts of the worlds while men can be nearly bare chested anywhere they want and with the full blessing of the law and society. Isabelle has decided to buck that trend and show that she has the same rights as a man. Should this be legal? Yes! |
Dannii makes a comeback with more beautiful scenery at sunrise on a Noosa beach. Serene, tranquil and beautiful are both the scenery and Dannii as she enjoys the ocean spray and the warmth of the rising sun. What more could anyone want? 30 alluring photos for you to enjoy. |
Since every creature on this planet other than humans are all nude, Vanessa decided to join the animal kingdom in a nude romp as a Tiger. Sleek, majestic and powerful are all words to describe the essence of a Tiger. Vanessa fits that description with a perfect athletic body that is as natural as nature intended. 32 nude photos this week highlight the natural beauty of the nude form. |
Gallery Sizes 800 - 3000 |
Whether she is wearing an elegant black dress or completely nude, Tia_P is a woman of natural beauty. Motherhood and a busy lifestyle have not diminished her beauty in any way. See why 100% natural is 100% beautiful in a tasteful set of 32 nude photos. |
Some people have a very special quality that makes them shine, while at the same time smolder with sensuality on film. Tia is such a woman that shines, smolders, and radiates beauty. Whether she is nude or clothed Tia turns heads where ever she goes. See for your self in these 33 intimate nude photos of a true star. |
A new Nude-Muse Jacinta joins us this week in a classic artistic nude set of 29 photos. The body is an instrument that can convey feelings and emotions of every kind. Jacinta performs a nude ballet with white ties that will bind you to her. |
Waterfalls have always been an attraction for people not matter who they are. A beautiful nude woman has also been a source of great inspiration and source of great visual beauty. When you combine the two you have something that needs preserving. Angela and a waterfall come together for this beautiful set of 30 nude photos. |
What is more beautiful? The surrounding gardens and the rock wall, or the glowing goddess also known as Natasha? A woman or true natural beauty Natasha is a true believer of getting a natural tan, but it doesn't end there as there is nothing artificial about this stunning woman. See for your self in this week's set of 31 nude photos. |
33 nude photos of Nami and a flute. Some people miss-read nude-muse for nude music. So this time we do present you with nude music by Nude-Muse. Enjoy Nami our very own supermodel. |
When is beauty too good to cover up? When it is this weeks Nude-Muse Kayann. An athletic and exotic woman Kayann displays the true beauty of the nude body. Something that artists throughout the ages have known. Something that today's society has lost sight of quite literally. 34 nude photos of Kayann show why nude is not rude. |
Surhey our Nude-Muse for this week has revealed that she likes the colour pink. We can see why in this set of 30 nude photos. Pink definitely looks good with Surhey. I think when you combine such raw beauty of a colour such as pink with the raw beauty of a nude body you get something very special. No frills, no pretensions, just something very appealing to the eye and soul. |
A room empty of everything but one couch. It has a very simple and clean feel to it. It doesn't feel empty as it has its own presence. It warms the room by just being there. It is comforting as it has a purpose too. The nude figure without any embellishments is also simple, elegant, and comforting by just being themselves. Now add the two together and you have a recipe for beautiful nude art. See why in this set of 30 lovely nude photos of Alexa in a room with a black couch. |
Wood Nymphs, the mythical creatures that inhabit our forests and frolic nude amongst the trees has been a romantic notion for centuries. Carol has decided that she would like to be a wood nymph to be a part of nature and be a free spirit in body and soul. See these 28 nude photos that will move you back to the forest at least for a time. |
Our very own Singapore girl Callie is a woman of true natural beauty. Callie has taught me many things about Singapore, about its culture, the beauty and the exotic nature of the country. Most importantly she taught me that you cannot get Singapore noodles in Singapore as it does not exist. Sign up and take a look at this set of 30 photos of a woman with uncommon beauty. |
Franki, a beautiful and classical trained theatrical actress liked the idea of doing something very different and seemed to enjoy the role of death dealer Selene. She got so involved that I'm just glad we didn't shoot this on a roof top. Have a look at this set of 26 nude photos from the underworld. |
Claire returns with a classic nude figure study set. The human body in the most natural state of all. Take a peek at this 32 set of classic nude photos |
Angela would make the ultimate Eve in a new Garden of Eden. Anybody want to be Adam? Would you take the apple if offered by Angela? Take a look at this stunning set of 30 nude photos to find out for yourself if the temptation is worth it. Go on be tempted and join up. |
The ultimate aim of Buddhism is enlightenment. Enlightening people about the beauty of the nude human form, the grace and tranquility that artist throughout history have been trying to capture is also a worthy aim. See why Linda is a temple to beauty, grace and form in this enlightened set of 30 nude photos. |
Feast your eyes on the soft curves of Elle as she navigates those hard edges of blue and orange, in this modern nude piece. Elle a girl of the 21st century fits in well with the new millennia. Take at look at this large 44 set of nude photos. |
Although Vogue magazine is not known for photographing nudes, I thought what sort of photographs would they take if they did nudes. Well this is my interpretation. I hope you enjoy this set of 30 excellent nude photographs of new model Surhey. |
A very special Nude-Muse, Angela makes a return with a 40's inspired nude photo shoot. Imagine if the idols of today where to perfom as Angela does here. These 38 photos are a tribute to the beauty that is woman. |
Stunning Josephine shows why black and white is such a beautiful medium. With the absence of colour the eye is drawn to shape, form and texture. Isn't that a part of what makes women so appealing? It is true that beauty is not so clear cut as black and white, which is why it takes all the shades of grey to give something to everyone. Enjoy this set of 34 artistic nude photographs. |
This week serious Nami shows us her playful side with 26 candid nude photos. She bounces, twirls and shakes as she moves in rythm to the ribbon. |
Rae returns as the black widow. She doesn’t eat her partner as a real black widow does (or does she.....hmmm?); she is still not a lady to take for granted. Red and black the colours that signify one of the deadliest spiders in the world. Enjoy this rare treat if you dare. |
This week's update features Bexii in a set of 25 nude photos inspired by the movie 5th element. The 6th element is carbon on the periodic table for all the non science nerds (unfortunately I am a science nerd). Carbon is what we are all made of and all life is based around it. Who would have thought that science could be so sexy? |
Vanessa and Belinda enjoy a hot and steamy afternoon in the Noosa national park. They also gave a few local surfers and a jet boat a view none will forget. There are 27 beautiful nude photos as they relax in the late afternoon sun. |
This week bring you a bonus update featuring Alexa having a shower. Enjoy these 26 slippery when wet nude photos of beautiful Alexa. |
Tavia returns to the sixties with 31 nude photos as a GoGo dancer. Maybe you're thinking that nude dancing should become a fad. In the words of Austin Powers "Oh behave!" |
Tia enjoys the celebrations that surround the Melbourne Cup carnival, which climaxes with the greatest race in Australia. The Melbourne Cup is not just a horse race it is also a day that is about fashion and hats. Lots of hats. Anyway enjoy this nude set of 46 photos of our very own Tia. |
This week we pay homage to Broadway. The glitz, the glamour, the bright lights and the over the top shows and larger than life performances. New model Lisa brings the grace, the elegance and the romance of Broadway to this stunning set of 30 nude photos. |
Well although Eden must have beautiful skin by now with all the moisturising in the last nude photo set. She returns with an extra dose to keep that skin soft and smooth. |