What's on your mind?

The idea of mental sanity is as tenuous as the very concept itself. What is the mind? Since we all experience the world through our eyes and minds, the entire world, even the universe is only seen through our minds. We cannot directly compare, just our interpretation of our experiences and the illusion of collusion with others minds and experiences. So when we say someone is insane, are they really insane, or just experiencing or interpreting the world in a way that we do not, or cannot. Less than 4% of the universe can actually be observed and experienced by us, so what is the other 96%. Are people who are deemed insane, able to see or experience a part of that other 96%?

This series with Eden is designed to question sanity, insanity, and how we see the world. Even two people seeing the same thing will have two different accounts or versions of the same event. Does that make one person sane and the other insane? If not then why is it that if a thousand people see something similar, but if one person out of that thousand sees something different, why does that automatically make them insane?

Our entire lives, our entire past, is just a memory, as we can never go back in time. So our own experiences are just figments of our imaginations. So why is a dream not real, a day dream just a figment, but a memory seen as fact? We can imagine ideas, we can create ideas, in our minds, and then we can manifest those ideas, as actions and even create art, but once it has been created, it becomes an ethereal memory. So we live in our minds, and we can create entire worlds with our minds, both real and imagined. As everything we see, experience and touch, was all at one point just an idea, just a thought, just a dream of someone's mind.

With these images, Eden and I hope that we turn how you see the world, your memories and even artistic nudes in a different way. We hope that you see the unlimited possibilities, that exist in the mind and the worlds it can create.

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