Enjoy Looking At Nudes?
How can something this beautiful be bad for you? How can Slyph’s nude form cause harm? The answer is it can’t. No one has ever died just because they saw a naked person. If they did then everyone would be dead, because we all get naked every day at least once.
Why are we made to feel bad if we look at another nude human being? After all id someone like Sylph is comfortable enough to be nude in front of thousands, even millions of people, then why would should you have any issue with looking at them? Anyone that has problems with nudity should remember the problem is not with the nude person, but the one viewing.
Such beauty as Sylph’s nude body should be appreciated and enjoyed. After all that is one of the reasons why she posed nude and we photographed her. Of course we also did this so we could write this article. So many wowsers, feel it is their civic duty to stop everyone from being nude or to even look at nudes, if they had their way. It is our duty to bring to you as much nude art as we can make, and as much as you wish to view and enjoy. A duty we do our best to uphold.